Friday, November 21, 2008

Did you learn to Love?

The are several things that I believe Jesus will ask us on the day of judgment. And in asking us He is not looking for an answer, he already knows it.  He asks us because he wants us to know the answer.  But I believe that every question will be centered around this one statement.

"Did you learn to Love?"

It does not matter these size of your ministry or the impact in our eyes but did we truly love the Lord when we lived. Were we following His plan for our lives. Can we love even those who hate us, as much as Jesus loves them? I have been pondering this a lot for a couple of days now. There are a lot of circumstances that have provoked me in this but it all culminated around one. There is a ministry that is based in San Fransisco, CA Called JHOP-SF. Those that are based in the ministry genuinely love Jesus and desire His Love to shown around the city of San Fransisco. Last Friday a group from JHOP-SF were worshiping on a street corner in the Castro district of SF. I am not going to through all that happened that night I want you to read the first hand account of what happened , you may read it on JHOP-SF website HERE.  And below is a video account of what happened. NOTE: This video does have a explicit nature as the account is very intense.

Did you read it and watch? If you didn't you should before moving on.
Can we love even those who persecute us? Or  Love those who commit violent acts against our brothers and sisters in Christ? Jesus does.  And he calls us to do the same:

Mat 5:44 "But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, (NKJV)

I my at a later time write about how why I believe what JHOP-SF is doing in Gay and Lesbian community is so incredible. But for now I will just say  this “Light does the greatest good in places of darkness.”

In closing: Persecution is coming to all of those who follow Jesus in America and throughout the world.  Maybe now, maybe later. I ask myself and I ask you. Can I love those who hate me, even as Christ loves you and I. And at the end of my Life can I honestly say 

Did I learn to Love?


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